Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Happy Birthday to You

All right, pal, today is your birthday and I'm still here.

I hope that wherever you are, it's the best place ever. That a giant cake that keeps changing flavors and getting better and better is alight with candles and that you're blowing them out and laughing, then starting all over again. That you've got a cat on your lap and every good person you ever met all around you. And that a shiny new bike that fits you perfectly is right next to you with a huge bow on it while all your favorite music plays and plays.

I miss you so much, Ingrid, and it never goes away. I hope that you can feel it, in a good way, and that you know there are a whole lot of people here thinking of you.

I can't help but think of your mom and how she might feel today. She must miss her girl with all her being. I know I do.

Happy birthday, pal. I don't know how to stop missing you.


Anonymous said...

happy birthday. not a day goes by without a thought of you and wishing we shared more thru life.... regrets but also feelings of warmth that i had a small but significant moment.

smokebebe said...

hello, i hope you read this. my name is annie, i worked with Ing at Good Pictures, which was part of Western Images, back in 94/95. oh, what a beautiful person! she wrote an article about pride parade for my zine, which i have somewhere, i have to find it. i don't think any of her friends ever got to read it. it is AMAZING. it's two pages long and so wonderfully funny and just so HER. i am going to look for it and scan it so you can have it. i also have a few things to tell you about Ingrid i think you would love to know. i'm not sure how to leave my email on here without it becoming fodder for spambots. i will try this way: vox project @ aol dot com . hopefully that will work. Ingrid was such an incredible person. And still is, in spirit. xo, annie

md said...

Ingrid, Ingrid, Ingrid. Missing you as usual. I had some dyke friends over on Saturday. I showed 3 videos. One was Hooter Polka. It was the one everyone loved the most. I felt so proud to have known you, to have worked with you, to have shared thoughts, ideas, laughter and sadness. How I miss you. It's not enough to have your videos. I want the whole enchilada. And a cow dancing to your polkas. Missing you, Ingrid. As always. Yer pal, Margo