Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Ring Those Wedding Bells

You should be here right now, Ingrid, celebrating the fact that Idaho is being pushed into the 21st century. A judge has finally ruled that gay folks in Idaho deserve to be allowed to marry, same as anyone else. And though it's not over yet, it's looking good for our sisters and brothers, Ingrid.

And one of the women who sued? She's from Kuna.

You would have loved this moment.

I do.

1 comment:

Margo said...

How can I not think of you Ingrid? When I see a video camera, perform an edit, hear an accordion,or miss having a good friend - how can I not think of you? I still do and always will, tell people about "my friend Ingrid." "My friend Ingrid was an incredible editor. She taught me so much. My friend Ingrid was a great pal, she taught me so much." I will always, always miss my friend Ingrid.
Your pal,