Saturday, April 4, 2009

A Million Other Things

You know, Ingrid, you have a powerful influence. And not one I always like, pal... Suddenly I'm totally into a girl band from France? France? Seriously?

Don't think I can't hear you laughing as usual. And don't think I can't hear Edith Piaf singing in the background, after three decades of claiming not to like her just so I could tease you about it. You and I could hold a joke between us forever.

With your voracious musical lust, you'd have known about the girl band years ago. By now you'd have already championed, obsessed over, vaguely lost interest in, and archived all their music, knowing there'd be just the right moment one day to use it for a video or commercial or gig or party or God knows what. And when you did, it would be just right. Touching or hilarious or ironic or a million other things. Like you.

Because you were just what you needed to be, pal.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy 50th ingrid.......i am glad i got to know you.