Thursday, October 29, 2009

Making Do

I am sitting here, trying to wake up after a very late night of flat-out work, staring at the TV. And who comes on but Ute Lemper, yet another singer Ingrid tried to persuade me to like. And I'm watching it, and listening, because I know that Ingrid would have.

God, I wish you were here to watch it, too, Ingrid. I'd listen to any kind of music for any length of time, just to have the chance to see you once more, just to see you enjoying something you loved. But Ute Lemper will have to do.



Petra said...

Halloween without Ingrid at the office was strange again this year. The cow costume was the last one she wore in October 2007. Who else would have spent an entire day editing in a cow costume? Ingrid did. We missed her this year. :~) Petra

bt said...

i am visiting the bay area and am finding myself thinking of ingrid. it has been two years since i last saw her and it was a strange encounter but i am glad i saw her then because it had been many years