Sunday, January 15, 2012

Time, Loss

Ingrid, I've been missing you for years now and it never makes a difference. I don't think it ever will. The space you left behind four years ago today is shaped exactly like you, so it's a space no one else can fill. It's like those life-size drawings that kids make in elementary school--giant, outlandish, colorful, true.

Who will ever be so funny, so serious, so brave, so fearful? Who will ever create something that had never existed before from nothing, from something, from less than nothing? Who will ever remember that thing we did that time in that place we went? Who will ever speak that shorthand of friendship born in such a formative time, a lifetime ago? No one but you, Ingrid.

I hope you don't even notice this horrible day, the fourth anniversary of your death. I hope you've moved so far beyond it all that only the music and the stars and the friendship remain. And I hope the same for myself.


Love, Caren

1 comment:

Margo said...

You are never far from my heart and mind, Ingrid. As I edit (one of my hard drives is named "Ingrid") I think, "Dang...I could ask Ingrid for a short cut for this!" Alas. I cannot. I miss our friendship Ingrid. I miss knowing I could call you and talk and laugh. I just miss you.