Monday, May 4, 2015

Happy 56, Ingrid

Another birthday we don't get to talk, Ingrid. I hope it's a good one for you, if there's something after this life. I hope it's full of sugar and spice, and a lot of naughty. You were nice enough on your own to not need any more of that.

OK, I'll finally say it: I'll always be older than you. I know that if you can read that, you'll laugh in the way that I always laughed at you on your birthday for being older than I.

Your birthday is the only time I'm ever bothered by my age. It's against the natural order of things for me to be the older one. It's against the natural order of things for you to be gone.


Anonymous said...

sure miss you ingrid. i still dream about you.

Anonymous said...

don't know why you are coming to mind so much now but your life was really important to me and i will never forget you.

Anonymous said...

ingrid- still can't believe you are gone