Thursday, January 17, 2008

She Had a Way of Carrying Herself

My knowing Ingrid was confined to the times she was editing here at Video Arts. We jammed on accordions at least one of those times, and she gave me a copy of "The Streets of Paris" (a popular accordion tune) on which she wrote "Hey, Bob -- Squeeze This!--" It was so entertaining and calming to talk with her, I'd always try to connect when she was in here doing something.

I can't quite believe I won't get to see her here again---I was imagining, hoping she'd be able to fight off the tumor, and get back in the saddle of editing projects. It smacks you with the preciousness and fragility of life. I can't compare my sense of loss to yours, but I envy your knowing her better. To me she seemed a centered and nourishing person. Her absence leaves a big void in a lot of people's lives, but what she gave us will definitely help us. I feel my personality borrows from everyone I ever met; she had a way of carrying herself, confident and gentle, that I will keep as an example to follow.

--Bob Johns

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